Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nothing to say

I can't think of anything to post today. It's also hard to type when you're using an iPod touch. For those of you who like dance music though, check out a track called "Helpless" by Myon & Shane 54. It's anything, but helpless. Go buy it on iTunes or look it up on YouTube. Do it now!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Getting discouraged?

Something that happens a fair amount to myself as an artist and musician is discouragement. I think pretty much every person in the human race has had to deal with it at one point or another. The main source of discouragement for me would be looking back at how far I've come with music and having that small question pop into my head which is asking, "have I improved enough?" It's the most annoying thing to look back on how you played your instrument, lets say three years ago compared to the present followed by the ever questioning of whether or not your skill has improved.
This is my struggle and what can keep inspiration from coming to me.
I've found that in order to beat this discouragement you just have to keep on working, keep messing around, and you never know what will come out of just jamming with yourself or fellow musicians.
With that being said, inspiration has struck me and thanks to a bit of jamming around on my keyboard I've started work on a brand new track. How do you deal with being discouraged in the field of work you are in?

Thanks for the comments on my last post as well. I've checked out all your blogs and started following all of you that posted, I must say I'm impressed with the content. I'll leave you all with a video I did with a good friend of mine over a year ago.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A look back

Oh my goodness, he's posted another entry less than 12 hours after the previous one! I would like to share a video I posted on my youtube page over a year back. It includes one of my very first tracks. I feel the track was inspired a great deal from listening to Robert Miles (if you don't know who he is look him up!). The song encompasses at least I think it does, the title I gave it "Peaceful".
I hope you enjoy! I should also explain that "TonyB" is the alias I go by for my electronic music productions.

Also feel free to post a comment on youtube or even "like" or "dislike" the video.


Hey all,
This is my new blog! Here I'll be posting about my life in music as well as my music and possibly tutorials on using reason. This post is just to say and I'll have a full post up in the next day or so!
